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How am I supposed to focus when it looks like this outside?

Winter at W&M

How am I supposed to focus when it looks like this outside? So technically school has not started but I am already into my second week of spring internship and have been at my GA since January 5th. School has not even started and I am already under stress. Unnecessary stresses but still…stress! I am so busy in every aspect of my life right now. In my GA, the due date for application is soon so there are so many things we need to keep up with. In my internship, aside from making sure I can be the best counselor I can be, I am constantly worrying about finishing up my hours so I can graduate. I also need to start to look into applying for jobs. Also, plan a wedding! A highlight of my winter break is that I got engaged! I so excited! Here to hoping I will survive the next four months!